Safeguarding Overview
Meet our Safeguarding Team
At Weston Favell CE Primary School, we recognise our moral and statutory responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of all children through fostering an honest, open, caring and supportive school climate.
We ensure that all staff can identify children who are suffering, or who are likely to suffer, significant harm and take appropriate action with the aim of making sure they are kept safe both at home and at school.
Through PSHE and Computing lessons, as well as school worship, children are taught the skills they need to recognise and stay safe from abuse, whether online or otherwise.
The Weston Favell CE Primary School Safeguarding Team are shown below
Safeguarding Governor - Robert Walker
If you have a concern about any member of our school community, please speak to one of our Designated Safeguarding Leads.
For more information on safeguarding and child protection, please read our Safeguarding Policy, as well as other key documents, on the sidebar at the right of this page.
All school policies can be found under Statutory Information/Policies
Areas of Support
Early Help Assessment: Early help information for parents or carers
Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub
The Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) is a county-wide team made up of agencies such as; Education, Police, Early Help Team, East Midlands Ambulance Service (EMAS), Children’s Social Care, Health, Fire & rescue Service (FRS), Domestic Abuse Advisor, Probation, Youth Offending Service (YOS) and the Crime Reduction Initiative. Collaboratively the MASH will deal with any referrals or concerns a professional or a member of the public has about a child’s welfare, identify risks and respond with the most effective actions to properly care for and protect any Vulnerable Children.
Contact the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub:
- Call: 0300 126 7000
- Email:
- Report a concern online
- In case of emergencies, please contact Northanmptonshire Police on 999
Useful Links
- Advice on mental health / eating disorders / body image (339 Hits)
- Ask Normen (292 Hits)
- Barnardo's - Helping Families (353 Hits)
- Northamptonshire Mental Health Gateway (271 Hits)
- Northants Mental Healthcare (343 Hits)
- NSPCC (2046 Hits)
- Young Minds in School (305 Hits)
Internet Safety
- Know IT All for Parents (809 Hits)
- CEOP Report Abuse (863 Hits)
- Childnet International (793 Hits)
- Childnet Online Safety (282 Hits)
- NSPCC - Share aware (951 Hits)
- ThinkUKnow (1050 Hits)
Domestic Violence
- Men's Advice Line (286 Hits)
- Northamptonshire Domestic Abuse Service (942 Hits)
- Northants Rape Crisis (445 Hits)
- Refuge (289 Hits)
- Women's Aid (365 Hits)
Mental Heath
- Advice on mental health / eating disorders / body image (284 Hits)
- Ask Normen (431 Hits)
- Northamptonshire Mental Health Gateway (316 Hits)
- Northants Mental Healthcare (365 Hits)
- Young Minds in School (343 Hits)