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Weston Favell Primary School

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Helping in School

How can you help our School?

Do you have some time to spare? Maybe you would like to help out:

  • In a classroom
  • In the school library
  • Raising Funds
  • Or you have a particular skill you could share
  • Or maybe you would like to be in the PTFA

...if so please get in touch with the school office who will point you in the right direction.

If you can help us in any way, please talk to a member of staff. Thank you!

Volunteering at School

Helping in school can be in a variety of forms and is greatly appreciated. We are looking for trip support and classroom support. If supporting in school, you might be asked to hear readers, stick work in their books, get creative or support sentence writing. Please ensure that you have the time to commit on a regular basis as the teachers value your support and will plan activities accordingly. If your circumstances change for whatever reason please let us know ASAP via the school office.

This ‘offer’ is open to anyone who would like to help us and age is no barrier. As a school, we do not place a volunteer in their own child’s class to help unless it is a school visit. On a school visit, you will be working with a group of children, which does not include your child.

As part of our safeguarding children responsibilities, we do require all volunteers who will be working with children to complete a Disclosure and Barring Service form (DBS) and attend a very short info meeting, before starting with us. As soon as we have your reply, we will issue a Volunteer application form and instructions to complete the DBS online.

Unfortunately, you will not be able to start until you get your clearance through.

Please contact the school office indicating when you would be available to help and on what basis you can do so. We will then contact you to let you know where you will be helping and give you an information sheet to let you know key details you need before starting.

We look forward to welcoming you into our school to work with us and appreciate any time you can spare. If you have any questions in the meantime please do not hesitate to contact the school.